
Entry #10 The Matrix and Deep Diving into Media

 So, while I was taking a further look into the true meaning of some of my favorite pieces of media I found an article that talked about the creator's intentions and own meaning behind The Matrix. This ties in very well into the current module of the power of media and how media can be used to affect us all. The creator's own meanings behind their creations is important to me. While we can make our own sort of interpretations I will almost always stick to the interpretation that the creator or creators intended. I feel like then it is more authentic and true when discussing this media as it what was intended. Of course there are some situations where this may not be the case and following your own interpretation is more important to you than what the author had in mind.  So what does the Matrix have to do with any of this? Well The Matrix is one of those stories that the true meaning of the story would be hard to find on your own. For a story like this it requires background k...

Entry #9 A Deeper Look into Media

 After our recent discussions in class it has made me look at media in a different way. This recent module has made me look at media in a different way. By media I am talking about anything from advertisement, to music, video games, movies, and social media such as Twitter or Instagram. Due to this recent module I have been more interested in looking at the "true" meanings behind the media I most enjoy which is music, video games, and movies. I put true in quotations because there are many interpretations of these kinds of media but when I say true I am talking about what the creator had in mind when they created that specific piece of media. When watching certain interesting movies or listening to certain music I wonder what the real meaning is behind these, such as what is the creator trying to say and why is that they made what they made. While often enough you can take certain guesses just based off of watching or listening, you will hardly get the true story unless you l...

Entry #8 Rhetoric of The Walking Dead

 I have been trying to find a topic to talk about, a topic that usually ties into my theme of pop culture and media but also tying in with rhetoric appeals. This was more difficult this time around than it usually is, but after taking some time and re-watching The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead is a show that I started a few years back but never finished it because I got bored of it, but now that the show is over and entirely on Netflix I thought that I would give it a try again. After watching it for a while I stumbled on to a scene that I think works well with rhetoric and appeal to the audience.  In the second season towards the end the main group of characters try and decide the fate of a prisoner that they have. The few main characters in this scene is the series main character Rick Grimes, Shane, and Dale. While a few other characters argue in this scene, these three are the main people in the conversation. To start, Dale believes the prisoner should be left alive becaus...

Entry #7 The Power of Hashtags

 If you have been on social media for a while then you have probably noticed the use of hashtags (#). You may see them under a variety of posts to either boost the engagement on the post or to make a sort of call to action on that post. Hashtags are used on social media to do many different things. The hashtag is a versatile tool on social media to have your post fall under a certain search term or phrase. Hashtags have many uses that are very well outlined this article by Val Razo.  Hashtags have been used in some of the biggest ways that have helped to propel very important movements on social media and throughout the United States. Some of the most popular hashtags that I can think of include #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and #IceBucketChallenge. All of these movements are so different from one another but they all call for a change to occur or for people to be aware of something important. Like the Ice Bucket Challenge was a major hashtag in 2014 that called for people to be...

Entry #6 Advancement In Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial intelligence has been growing in popularity over the last few years. What seemed like science fiction decades ago is now very much a reality. Artificial intelligence or AI has taken a step into so many facets into the online world. There is software that can create images, whether or not what they create is actual art or not is another debate in itself. What I wanted to talk about is the AI software Chat GPT and the many uses that it has, because it can be used for more than just writing essays for you, if you use it like that. Chat GPT is an AI software that can write out anything if you give it a certain prompt. This can be either writing stories, essays, paragraphs, or anything of the like. One unique feature that I saw is the use of Chat GPT as a dungeon master for Dungeons & Dragons. Dungeons & Dragons requires at least one dungeon master who runs the game, they create the story that the players experience along with many other managerial uses. The overall ...

Entry #5 Better Education Means Better Future Right?

According to Arizona's previous governor Doug Ducey in a 2016 article if more Arizona's workforce had a better education then our economy would be better. An increase in education would result in more jobs, better wages, less poverty and much more for our economy. While all of this sounds great, is it true? Would an increase in education actually improve our economic society so vastly? Well this may not be the case. This article came out nearly 7 years ago, and our economy certainly doesn't seem to be in a better place than it was in 2016. Is this all because of people who didn't pursue an education with either colleges or trade skills? Well that couldn't be the cause of it because there are many factors that affect how the economy works, and it doesn't solely fall on those who chose not to purse higher education. According to The Balance there can be many causes of a decreasing economy, such as higher interest rates or the loss of consumer confidence in the m...

Entry #4 Rhetoric of Scream

 I wanted to tie in the concept of rhetoric and appeals with my interest in media including movies, games, and shows. Today I wanted to look at the new Scream movie that released on March 10th as well as the rhetorical appeals that I believe that I saw while watching this movie. I will try not to go into anything very specific as to avoid any spoilers, mainly I will avoid anything that was not in the trailers leading up to this movie.  To start, I have been a fan of the Scream franchise for quite a while so I was excited when the 5th Scream movie was announced and then released last year. So naturally, I was excited to watch the 6th installment of the series when it arrived in theaters. Ever since I watched it in theaters a couple days ago I have been thinking about it, and I have thought about the rhetorical appeals that this movie would have in it. So, I thought it would be interesting to look at how horror movies, specifically Scream 6 handles and displays rhetorical appeal...