Entry #6 Advancement In Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial intelligence has been growing in popularity over the last few years. What seemed like science fiction decades ago is now very much a reality. Artificial intelligence or AI has taken a step into so many facets into the online world. There is software that can create images, whether or not what they create is actual art or not is another debate in itself. What I wanted to talk about is the AI software Chat GPT and the many uses that it has, because it can be used for more than just writing essays for you, if you use it like that.

Chat GPT is an AI software that can write out anything if you give it a certain prompt. This can be either writing stories, essays, paragraphs, or anything of the like. One unique feature that I saw is the use of Chat GPT as a dungeon master for Dungeons & Dragons. Dungeons & Dragons requires at least one dungeon master who runs the game, they create the story that the players experience along with many other managerial uses. The overall importance is that without a Dungeon Master you basically cannot play the game. And it is hard to find people to Dungeon Master, it is a big commitment that requires time out of the game and some people don't have time to commit to that. So how are you supposed to play it then without a Dungeon Master? 

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Well in this article someone used Chat GPT as their Dungeon Master. They manipulated Chat GPT so it could work as a Dungeon Master without needing an actual person. While there are issues that arise while using it, like the AI not fully understanding the rules, you can manipulate it so that it can understand the rules at the play style of Dungeons & Dragons. 

This opens up a lot in the sense of what AI's can or cannot do, or what AI's will be able to do in the future. With just some ironing out of the issues it seems that these kinds of AI can do so much. It is interesting to see what these AI's will be able to do in the future while they become more refined. 


  1. Hi Kalen, im so happy that you wrote about this. Finding a DM is so hard when it comes to playing Dungeons and Dragons. I will have to try it out with some friends, you said that there were some ways to work out some of the tweaks it has, but I'm sure I can manage. Cool find!

  2. While that's one really neat way to use AI, I worry for what else it can be used for, consensually or otherwise. Its a Pandora's box. Something about a machine making educated decisions faster than any human who has ever lived is a worrying prospect. With refinement comes exponential improvement, and I don't think we're anywhere close to the point of diminishing returns in AI tech. There definitely needs to be more conversation about AI safety on a global scale. I don't think there will be a way to completely "lobotomize" and AI once it gets to a certain point.


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