Entry #10 The Matrix and Deep Diving into Media

 So, while I was taking a further look into the true meaning of some of my favorite pieces of media I found an article that talked about the creator's intentions and own meaning behind The Matrix. This ties in very well into the current module of the power of media and how media can be used to affect us all. The creator's own meanings behind their creations is important to me. While we can make our own sort of interpretations I will almost always stick to the interpretation that the creator or creators intended. I feel like then it is more authentic and true when discussing this media as it what was intended. Of course there are some situations where this may not be the case and following your own interpretation is more important to you than what the author had in mind. 

So what does the Matrix have to do with any of this? Well The Matrix is one of those stories that the true meaning of the story would be hard to find on your own. For a story like this it requires background knowledge on the time period and the creators. The Matrix is set in the late 90's when computers were starting to become a big thing, where chat rooms and talking to people across the world was essentially becoming normal for some people. The Matrix focuses on topics regarding artificial intelligence, computer simulations, and accepting yourself. Throughout the movie the main character Neo discovers that he is living within a computer simulation, and he decides to rebel against the machines ran by artificial intelligence so that he can save humanity. The article that I had mentioned at the start goes into how this specific piece of media is important to many people. See, The Matrix is actually created by two trans women who use this movie as a sort of trans allegory. Again hitting on that theme of self actualization, it is a movie about accepting your true self that exists outside of our own physical bodies. Nowadays this is possible by the use of the internet, you can be who you want to be and express yourself in ways that you are unable to. Another parallel that has gathered much attention is that one of the most popular moments of the movie is when Neo has choose between a Blue Pill, which would allow him to in The Matrix with no idea of being in a simulation. And in the other hand is a Red Pill, that would allow him to see the truth of the simulation that he is in. Neo of course chooses the Red Pill, what is interesting is that the Red Pill is what the 90's version of estrogen looked like, a pill for hormone replacement therapy. Which ties back to it being a trans allegory.

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There are many other stories like this for many of the popular movies that we hold dear today. I wanted to write about The Matrix because this is an interesting meaning for the movie that would have been very had to guess unless you had background information on the subject. This requires various kinds of research and it displays an interesting and unique use of media, because The Matrix resonates with certain trans people because of this message. It plays to the unique ways that media can be used to affect anyone, and not all of it is bad. In cases like these its to build a connection with people. 


  1. As you say, media has caused many positive and negative effects on people, and it has always been like that. However, everything will depend on the use of each person. On the other hand, the one you give about the movie is an excellent example because it talks about a simulation of real life. And if you think about it, social networks do not show a dissimulation of life where we do not know if we are living real or fictional life.

  2. I never made the connection between the Red Pill being a trans allegory. I think that "The Matrix" was a great movie to spark the public's interest in the possibilities of technology.

  3. Hey Kalen!
    My parents have been telling me to watch The Matrix but I always told them it would be another generic 90's film. After reading your post, I realize how deep, intricate, and interesting the whole plot is. I will definitely be giving this film a watch!


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