Entry #1 The Do's and Don'ts of Blogging

Blogs have been a popular form of uploading information about people's lives, whether it's our personal lives or it's information about a celebrity that we know little about. Blogs are used in many different audience is targeted for each and every blog. Some blogs give information and news in proper and interesting ways, while others do not. It is important to distinguish between blogs and what they do correctly or incorrectly. 

Obviously blogs do not have a "right" and "wrong" like assignments would at school, but there are certain things that a blog can do that interest a reader immediately, like the blog Fast Company. In particular the one blog that was linked did an interesting job at hooking the reader, writing towards and audience, and using a format that keeps the reader interested. There are some articles that could leave you feeling like you are reading a wall of text. However, this blog does not do that, it's format keeps the article interesting for the whole time. 
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However, there are other blogs that do not do as great of a job. These kinds of blogs can make the point possibly confusing to get across to the audience. Whether the article is saying too much for what it needs to, or the format just is not to your preference. Sometimes there are just blogs that don't grab the reader's attention like other blogs do. One blog that felt like this was Far Out Magazine. The format or the blog itself might just not have been to my liking, but something about thus blog could not grab my attention for long.
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There are many things in a blog that can spark interest, such as having an interesting format or writing to your audience. All of these things can keep readers interested in your blog and consistently coming back. But in the end, it boils down to the reader's personal preference, just because a blog doesn't catch one person's eye does not mean that it won't catch someone else's eye. 
