Entry #1 Reboot - Is There Such Thing as Wasted Time

Entry #1 Reboot - Is There Such Thing as Wasted Time?

 When I am not at school, not working on school work, and not at work what do I like to do? What do I Kalen Mullenix like to do with my free time? Honestly the answer is pretty simple, when I have free time, I like to indulge in various types of media, meaning either watching tv shows or movies, or playing video games. More often than not I will choose playing video games. To most people playing video games can be seen as a waste of time, which can make sense to a degree, but I don't believe that all time spent playing games can be a waste.
    Video games are just like any hobby, and anyone can view it as something that is interesting or something that is boring and a waste of time. But what really is a waste of time? Just because others don't see or agree with the value behind playing games in your past time doesn't mean that it is completely a waste of time. For example, I like to play video games that offer a challenge and that make the player acceptance to learn from their mistakes to pull forward. My favorite game is Dark Souls 3, it is created by a game developing company known for creating difficult games. When I played this game for the first time 6 years ago, I quit after the first week, but then I picked it back up a few months later to try again. That playthrough of the game probably took me over a few weeks to finish, but when I finished, I felt accomplished. I learned to actually learn from my mistakes and to keep trying, the game was never going to be easy, but I could learn to take something useful away from the game that could be valuable to me for the rest of my life. In 2020 Psychology Today found that gaming was not a waste of time at all, because of gaming people could connect and talk to people, and that gaming can help a lot of people through rough times such as the Pandemic. To me, this shows that playing video games is not always a waste of time and that anyone can find a lesson in playing games whether it is to overcome challenges or if it is something entirely different like learning to be more compassionate. 
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There are many hobbies that a person can have, and anyone can see someone else's hobby as being a waste of time. However, if that person enjoys what they are doing and they are taking something of value away from it then what does it matter what other people think. Hobbies are a personal activity to express ourselves and it is an activity that allows us to be ourselves while we can before we have to get back to our daily lives. So as long as your hobby is safe and keeps everyone happy then it is not a waste of time. 


  1. I agree with this post and loved reading it. I also enjoy playing games on my free time and I like to play more competitive games to feel accomplishment when I win or when I'm doing really good. I also think it's a good way to connect with your friends along with creating frindss on the way.

  2. Hi Kalen!
    I completely agree with the connection you made between the gaming community and the pandemic. Playing video games during a time where in person socialization was so restricted proved to be really beneficial to my social life. I'll have to check out Dark Souls 3; you made it sound really fun!

    1. To second this, i completely agree with the social aspect of it. In all honesty was no way to connect with people when we were all told to isolate and halt human interactions. being able to turn on your tv and connect to a server with hundreds of people was an amazing way to sustain that connection.

  3. Hi Kalen, I agree that through gaming, people can interact and communicate with one another, and gaming can support many people during difficult times like the time spent at home during COVID-19.


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