Entry #2 - The Importance of Opinions

 Opinions are obviously a very natural thing to have. We as people have always loved to express our own opinions, and that was made much easier to do because of the online centered world that we live in today. It seems today that everyone loves to share their opinions, and too often online these opinions can become a bit too nasty. If you have ever looked online and looked at people "discuss" with each other about their opinions it very quickly turns into an online fight between two people, and often times many other people join in with their own opinions. What I am getting at is that opinions are important to share, however people very easily criticize others for sharing their opinion on something just because they disagree. 

A research study was conducted in 2021 that looked at how our emotions impact what we feel towards certain things and for how long that can last. This was reported by the Science Daily and found that emotion based attitudes and opinions can last for a very long time. This relates to opinions as a whole because if someone says something that disagrees with another person's long standing opinion of something they can quickly become hostile. It is so fascinating to see how fast and hostile people can turn against each other just due to a difference of opinion. Now then, I am not saying that I am above this in any way, because after all it is a human trait, I am saying that we shouldn't get so hostile or rude to someone just because of a difference of opinion. And to add on to this, I don't mean things that relate to human lives or rights because those are so much grander and have true meaning and it directly impacts the lives of those people. 

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Overall, opinions are of course useful and a basic human trait. We form opinions or thoughts of things that we like or dislike. We only go too far when we get hostile or get toxic due to just a difference in opinion. Just be more open minded and less hostile when browsing the internet or just going about your daily life. 


  1. I agree, Opinions are really what forms humanity as a whole. If we weren’t able to formulate opinions or even really communicate with ourselves, there would be no order. No way to have a common ground amongst people.

  2. Kalen--Your blog is looking pretty good so far. You have a pretty engaging layout and format. Clear voice and authentic tone. Interesting topics and ideas--keep developing and analyzing to create deeper connections to your audience. Good work!


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