Entry #5 Better Education Means Better Future Right?

According to Arizona's previous governor Doug Ducey in a 2016 article if more Arizona's workforce had a better education then our economy would be better. An increase in education would result in more jobs, better wages, less poverty and much more for our economy. While all of this sounds great, is it true? Would an increase in education actually improve our economic society so vastly? Well this may not be the case.

This article came out nearly 7 years ago, and our economy certainly doesn't seem to be in a better place than it was in 2016. Is this all because of people who didn't pursue an education with either colleges or trade skills? Well that couldn't be the cause of it because there are many factors that affect how the economy works, and it doesn't solely fall on those who chose not to purse higher education. According to The Balance there can be many causes of a decreasing economy, such as higher interest rates or the loss of consumer confidence in the market. There are many reasons why someone can not pursue higher education, like that the cost is too high and many people can not afford it. Or what if another reason is that they'd rather get a head start into the work force and gain experience in the field that they are interested in instead of attending school to learn about it. Those people would certainly be contributing to a better economy because they would be directly participating within the economy. While there have been studies to show that pursuing higher education can improve your future it can also ruin it by putting you in massive debt. So, I don't think that it is completely fair to blame those who had a different direction in life and instead the other myriad of reasons that could contribute to a rough economy.

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The economy is a complex system that people spend their lives to figure it out. There are many factors that can contribute to its rise or fall and these can change day to day. Education can be used for a lot of good and has been over time but it is not the sole factor of success of the economy. People who didn't pursue college can have a lot more time to spend on the economy and can improve the economy well enough on their own. 


  1. Hey Kalen, I agree that education can and has been used for many positive purposes, but it is not the only element in the economy's success and that there can be a lot achieved without an education but it certainly helps.

    1. I completely agree that an education can help our economy and it can certainly help the people that run our economy. While our economy relies on the everyday person to interact with it, it helps if the people interacting with it are educated in one way or another.


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