Entry #9 A Deeper Look into Media

 After our recent discussions in class it has made me look at media in a different way. This recent module has made me look at media in a different way. By media I am talking about anything from advertisement, to music, video games, movies, and social media such as Twitter or Instagram. Due to this recent module I have been more interested in looking at the "true" meanings behind the media I most enjoy which is music, video games, and movies. I put true in quotations because there are many interpretations of these kinds of media but when I say true I am talking about what the creator had in mind when they created that specific piece of media. When watching certain interesting movies or listening to certain music I wonder what the real meaning is behind these, such as what is the creator trying to say and why is that they made what they made. While often enough you can take certain guesses just based off of watching or listening, you will hardly get the true story unless you look into it and read about the inspiration and message behind that piece of media.

For instance did you know that Star Wars is an anti war movie? I have always been a fan of the Star Wars series so I looked into why Star Wars was created in the first place. I asked myself what the purpose was behind this movie, what did the creator want to say? Well according to this article, Star Wars was created by George Lucas as a sort of anti Vietnam war movie. All of the original Star Wars movie was created with a lot of anti war sentiment, ironic isn't it? A whole series regarding wars in space started as an anti war piece of Media.

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Prior to this module I probably would not have payed enough attention into what the true meaning was. I would not looked into what the purpose was or what the creator was even trying to say. I would not have looked at the rhetoric used or how it was used. Before this I would have just continued watching the series without a worry about what exactly I was watching and how it was supposed to make me feel. 


  1. Hi Kalen, that is such an interesting fact about star wars! and i like your perspective on media and how it’s interpreted. using the word “true”, and then your explanation as to why is very cool.

  2. Hi Kalen. Very interesting post! I used to be a big Star Wars fan back in middle school, but I never knew the purpose behind it. I am on the same page with you on wanting to know the real meaning of things. It's fun to dissect and analyze movies I've watched and books I've read to understand why the creator made such a thing.


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